Saturday, March 13, 2010

Observe and Report

It is a fact... A FACT... that human beings are becoming more stupid and unreasonable. The reality that no one is doing a study on this and confirming it to the public is, in my opinion, why stress is increasing and health problems are getting worse. When you think you're losing your mind and the world is out to get you, typically, the rational response is the assumption that if it seems to be Everyone Else, then it must be you that's the problem. This is no longer the truth. The world as seen through Tim Burton's eyes may be more accurate than the world we nod to through the eyes of the media and the spurtings of our colleagues around the water cooler.

I'm tired of all the "what's wrong with the world" hand wringing resources out there. I think it's time to just offer an observation WITHOUT THE SHOCK a regular basis that people can calmly respond to with agreement. I'm not asking if reality television is to blame. I'm not asking which generation contributed the most to our character crisis. I'm not asking which religion or government is at fault for the chaos. I am simply noting that this world is chaotic, confused, lost, and unreasonable. We are all part of it, and we are all both right when we feel surrounded by maniacs and responsible when we participate. We all participate. It's useless to blame trends or movements. Each individual is to blame - everyone on earth - so blame is redundant now.

It is acceptable to act like a complete psychopath and still keep a job. It is acceptable to call customer service and expect to be treated like a little king because you are in a bad mood. It is acceptable to demand of everyone around you that they KNOW what you want someone to tell you, and if they do not, it is acceptable to judge them, slam them to other people, and if possible, do harm to their career, family life, friendships, and future.

Meanwhile, for no reason, it is acceptable to assume that no one else has any clue what he/she is talking about. It doesn't matter if this is an educated, experienced expert. If you once read the headline of a TMZ article on [insert typical modern starlette's name here], you know everything about addiction and are a pinnacle of wisdom on the subject. Any doctor who disagrees with you is an idiot. Then it is time to get condiscending and ask the other person if "we know what we are talking about" with the assumption that you are dealing with a half IQ point and a special needs employment case.

When observing "how awful" people behave on a reality show, also observe how much like them the world around you has become. If you live in a crowded area, you are bullied in some way multiple times daily. You may not even notice it anymore. If you do, it is wise to regard it with interest, rather than emotion. You will be victimized. It is not special to your situation.

"Why me?" is a pointless question. The important question is, "Am I responding correctly?" If the answer has anything to do with who is right or wrong, you are not. Don't let that worry you, though. No one else around you will be looking above petty greed, competition, pride, and self centeredness enough to notice that trend in you unless they are forced to deal with you on a daily basis, in which case, you may count them among the bullies that day along with three to four strangers in traffic, one or two people you will have to deal with at work, and anyone you will do business with when purchasing life needs (groceries, utilities, medical services).

The majority of the world - it is the majority, it does not just "seem that way" - is participating in bullying, mob mentality, and gleeful sadism on a regular basis without thought. I'm done being shocked and asking why. I will observe it with an attempt to be rational and objective, from now on, even in myself.

A spattering of observations for today without comment: